Which service would you like?
Individual Therapy
What is Individual Therapy?
Individual Therapy is the opportunity for you to meet with a therapist to identify issues of concern and learn how to cope, change, or resolve them.
Who is eligible for Individual Therapy?
Individual Therapy is for ages 13 through senior citizens who are men, women, or anyone who identifies as LBGTQ.
What to expect from Individual Therapy:
Expect to have the opportunity to:
- acquire new insights.
- be heard in a caring environment.
- gain a better understanding of yourself.
- identify your goals for healing and growing.
- recognize self-defeating patterns in your life.
- learn how to manage and regulate your emotions.
- explore your feelings, beliefs, and behaviors and identify changes you want to make to them.

Typical Issues Include:
- Stress
- Worry
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Relationships
Therapy Methodologies Include:
- Person-Centered (Grow and change.)
- Behavioral (Change your actions and thinking.)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Learn skills and insights.)
- Psychodynamic Therapy (Understand your behaviors, feelings, and emotions.)
Couples Therapy
What is Couples Therapy?
Couples Therapy is the opportunity for you to meet with a therapist to identify issues of concern as well as to learn new ways to validate emotions and communicate with each other.
Who is eligible for Couples Therapy?
Couples Therapy is for any age couple who are:
- married.
- engaged.
- unmarried.
- LGBTQ couples.
What to expect from Couples Therapy:
Expect to have the opportunity to:
- explore the skills and knowledge necessary to thrive as a couple,
- identify the kind of partner you want to be, and
- identify the kind of life and relationship you want to build together.

Typical Issues Include:
- Anger
- Money
- Children
- Parenting
- Communication
- Domestic Violence
- Social Media Concerns
- Drug/Alcohol Addiction
- Infidelity (sexual/financial)
Therapy Methodologies Include:
- Person-Centered (Grow and change.)
- Imago (Learn empathy and understanding.)
- Behavioral (Change your actions and thinking.)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Learn skills and insights.)
- Psychodynamic Therapy (Understand your behaviors, feelings, and emotions.)
Family Therapy
What is Family Therapy?
Family Therapy is the opportunity for your family to meet with a therapist to discuss family dynamics, identify issues of concern, and make healthy choices for how to resolve these issues.
Who is eligible for Family Therapy?
Family Therapy is for ages 13 through senior citizens for men, women, or anyone who identifies as LGBTQ.
What to expect from Family Therapy:
Expect to have the opportunity to:
- resolve conflict.
- identify stressors.
- choose how to effectively manage family issues.
- examine how work-life balance affects the family.
- explore troubled relationships, the impact on each family member, and ways to improve relationships.
Note: A New Approach Behavioral Health may recommend Child and Adolescent Therapy or refer you elsewhere for it, if needed as part of family therapy.

Typical Issues Include:
- Parenting
- Discipline
- Manipulation
- Communication
- Extended Family
- Cultural differences
- Role Responsibilities
- Infidelity (sexual/financial)
Therapy Methodologies Include:
- Person-Centered (Grow and change.)
- Imago (Learn empathy and understanding.)
- Behavioral (Change your actions and thinking.)
- Dialectical Behavior Therapy (Learn skills and insights.)
- Psychodynamic Therapy (Understand your behaviors, feelings, and emotions.)
Telemental Health
What are Telemental Health Services?
The term telemental health services refers to all interactions between health care professionals and their clients that do not happen in person.
At A New Approach Behavioral Health, we use videoconference to provide telemental health services to our clients.